In the Tech-Healthy Family Hub you’ll learn from experts and like-minded parents, access proven resources, and take our self-guided courses to prepare your family to navigate a tech-heavy world with confidence.

Let’s take the slow tech road together. We’ll reduce screen time, restore family connection, and raise kids and teens who thrive.


You’re determined to take the slow tech road, despite your child’s insistent demands for the latest tech or the common refrain, “everyone else has it!

You dream of seeing your family connecting over an old-fashioned Scrabble night, instead of playing Words with Friends—on phones—in separate rooms.

You want to come home to a lawn with bikes piled out front, your kids and their friends sitting around the table, helping themselves to cookies or roughhousing it in the backyard. No smartphones in sight.

You long for days when your home is filled with the sound of a bouncing basketball instead of the sounds of Mario Kart.

And here’s the thing…

You know that tech isn’t evil and that you can’t keep devices out of your life completely.

You just don’t want devices to take over your family’s life and seep into what should be a slower, sweeter and safer age.

Also, let’s be honest…this isn’t just about the kids.

You want to feel less attached to your own phone and be more present.

When your kids are calling out, “Mom” or “Dad” for the 100th time or looking for your eyes in a sea of parents to see if you noticed how they finally mastered a cartwheel, you want their eyes to meet yours, not the back of your phone.

You have so many reasons why you want to make screen time better for your family, but when all is said and done…

You want to raise capable, screen-resilient kids who will run from porn, do homework without simultaneously watching YouTube, use their imagination instead of a screen, and put down a device to look someone in the eyes.

I think I had most of your ideas in my head (in the form of desperation)…somewhere…but definitely not organized or user friendly….or even able to put it into words…so when I saw what you were writing about and then got your book…I was like, YES! THIS!

I was finally able to put what I had desired for our kids and tech into action 🎬!! We have kids from 8 to 18 but they were still great discussions. I would definitely suggest doing it before 18 though 😄!

It has changed my habits as well as some of my husband’s, and it’s so good to have the kids be thinking through these things early on!!!


Mom of 6


Sometimes, you look around and you feel like you’re the only parent worried about this. Or you may find that other parents are concerned but can’t seem to find a balance.

You know by delaying personal devices and social media, you’re doing the best thing for your child, but it can feel lonely.

Middle school and high school, especially, aren’t the easiest times for any kid, and feeling like the odd one out doesn’t make it any easier.

At the end of the day…it feels like you may be the only one walking the slow-tech road and at times it seems to cause more problems than it’s worth. Problems like shouting matches, silent treatments, bubbling resentment from your kids about being “different”, and the weariness that comes from standing your ground with your family’s approach to screens.



Or maybe you’re a parent who “caved” and gave in to more tech access than you were comfortable with, and now you’re regretting it?

Maybe you thought your child was ready, but the reality was far from it?

And now…you struggle with setting “boundaries” with screens. ALL of this makes you wonder…

Won’t it be easier to give up and give in to the screens?

Won’t there be less conflict with your kids that way?

Won’t life feel more predictable and peaceful?

I’m guessing you already know the answer.

It may be easier, but will it be better?

Better for your family?

Better for your kids?

The Tech-Healthy Family Hub

A community for parents who want to travel the slow-tech road with like-minded families, and a relationship-first roadmap.

Here’s how you can walk the slow-tech road avoiding many roadblocks, speed bumps, and detours!

Access to ALL the Better Screen Time Courses

Creating a Tech-Healthy Family

Dial in your personal tech habits and work with your spouse or partner to get on the same tech page so you can teach and prepare your kids for life in the digital era.

$247 value

Untangling Teens & Tech

Reconnect with your teen, help them identify their values, and teach them how to avoid getting sucked into pornography, social media comparison, or wasting their precious youth on a screen.

$247 value

You get access to Creating a Tech-Healthy Family and Untangling Teens & Tech so you can give your family the foundation to build slow-tech habits that strengthen relationships instead of straining them.

But that’s not all…

The Tech-Healthy Family Hub gives you so much MORE!

Monthly Masterclasses

Andrea will teach a BRAND NEW workshop each month based on family-tested strategies and the latest screen time research. BONUS: Each Masterclass will include a short video to watch with your kids and teens! These masterclasses will be actionable and timely.


$87/quarter value

Help a Parent Out (HAPO) Call

Once a month, share a sticky situation (anonymously if you’d like!), and get Andrea and other parents’ insights on how to solve it.


$87/quarter value

Expert Ed

These quarterly calls from guest experts will cover topics such as: gaming, pornography, social media, child development, and more. You’ll walk away armed with research and tips to help you create a tech-healthy family.


$50/quarter value

The Better Screen Time Parent Community

Not on Facebook because let’s be honest … we could all do with less social media scrolling.

This safe, supportive, and judgment-free space will be organized and easy-to-use so you can get the support you need from fellow parents and learn best practices from each other.


$45/quarter value

End-of-Month “Tackle Tech Together” Sessions

Led by our community manager, these monthly sessions will give you a chance to get family-tested ideas from other parents on how to manage the tech and support for any tech troubles you’re dealing with.


$87/quarter value

Tech Time with Tyler

Quarterly Tech Education and Q&A.

Feeling confused by all the tech? Tyler (Andrea’s husband, PhD in mechanical engineering from Purdue), is a patient and brilliant teacher! Tyler will teach timely tech tips and allow time for Q&A. Bring your tech questions!


$150/quarter value

Everything will be recorded and saved inside the community so you can listen and watch the replays at any point!

Introducing Our Amazing Community Manager, Mary Beth!

I found Better Screen Time years ago when I was deep in the trenches of tech worry and convinced I was the only one. Taking the Creating a Tech Health Family course was so empowering for me, and some of the exercises my family did through the course are some of my favorite memories.


I was inspired to talk to other parents and learn about how they were handling tech with their kids. During the pandemic, I led a group study of neighborhood parents through the course. I realized that I wanted to keep these conversations going and spread Better Screen Time’s message so other parents would know that they are not alone.


My hope for this community is that you feel more confident, supported, and inspired to continue to blaze this trail – we are stronger together and our kids are worth it!


I live in Chapel Hill, NC and I have 1 child, 1 dog and 1 husband.

“I can’t say enough good things about Andrea Davis’ betterscreentime.com. Her teens and tech class nails it for me. I couldn’t figure out how to bridge the gap between screen avoidance of the younger years and a functioning young adult using technology. My 14yo and I have had fantastic conversations based on her content. I’m so clear on how we get there—just like learning to drive, there are ways to do this.”


Untangling Teens & Tech parent

“When I heard about the live 4 week tech course, I decided to sign up to help me get going again. It absolutely did that for me.

I loved being involved and discussing with other parents and I learned so much from Andrea and the special guests. It really gave me the BIG picture to see the steps I needed to take. The program helped me build on the already existing relationships and head right into having tech talks with my girls.

I’m very grateful for Andrea and Tyler and the work that they have put into Better Screen Time to help all of us parents pioneer through these times where technology is such a big part of our kids’ lives and can change the trajectory of their lives.

Andrea has been so helpful and always responds when you have questions or need help. I recommend taking any and all of their courses to help with getting a handle on technology in your family.”


4 Weeks to Untangling Teens & Tech Course member

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a community? How is it different from social media?

An online community is a way to gather people together around a particular interest or cause. This group of people come together to nurture their own and one another’s growth.

More people are craving deeper connection and learning in a less-distracted, more focused and less polarized environment than what social media provides. The Better Screen Time Community is online, but is not on a social media platform. We have guidelines and procedures in place to help create a safe and helpful gathering place.

What’s the difference between buying your courses individually and the Community?

Parents are welcome to purchase our courses Creating a Tech-Healthy Family and Untangling Teens & Tech for a full DIY experience with lifetime access to the courses. Some parents love this option.

But we’ve learned many parents want additional support and guidance from Andrea and other parents. Our BST community includes access to both courses, along with live training, workshops, and full access to community conversations inside a safe space full of like-minded parents.

How much time do I get with Andrea?

Andrea will teach one brand new workshop per month, lead one HAPO call per month, and be active inside the community conversations!

What ages of kids will you cover in the community?

All ages! As a mom of 5, Andrea has one adult child, two high schoolers, one in middle school, one in elementary, and lots of experience with parenting littles. 😉

We have dedicated spaces for every age group (littles up to adult children), and we have team members with a wide variety of family situations including: a homeschool mom, a mom of one child, a bilingual mom, and a mom with 4 young children. We truly have you covered!

Is this community only for moms? Are dads or other caregivers welcome?

All parents and caregivers are welcome! In fact, we would love to hear from more dads and grandparents. Tyler will teach periodically, and in his past calls the dads were all in!

What’s your cancellation policy?

We want you to be happy! If you can show proof of effort (watched modules, completed a worksheet, shown up for calls, etc.), present us with your work and still aren’t satisfied,  you can be eligible for a refund within 14 days of enrolling.

Why is there a 3-month enrollment period?

Better Screen Time has been helping parents create tech-healthy families for years now! We’ve learned a thing or two. 😉

  1. Building healthy screen habits and preparing our kids for digital dangers is a process. In order for us to give you the best kickstart (or restart!) possible, we need at least 3 months to help you reduce screen time, restore family connection, and raise kids and teens who thrive.
  2. Parents return to our courses time and time again as technology changes and their kids grow. The option to enroll in the community quarterly or annually, allows us to serve you over and over again as your family’s needs change.

“Look Around and See Who You Can Help” Guarantee

I always tell my kids, “Just look around and see who you can help.”

This community was born out of that need to help fellow parents navigate the turbulent tech waters with something more than just a technological band-aid.

Which is why if you, at any time during the first 14 days of enrollment, feel that the community is not helping you to reduce screen time, restore family connection, and raise kids who thrive, email us and we’ll refund your money.

Helping YOU create a stronger, richer, happier family experience is what I’m ALL about.


Social Media Groups, Forums, Apps

  • Large groups
  • Impersonal
  • Quick fixes
  • Responses get lost and are hard to find
  • Members ask and exit
  • Conversations escalate
  • Putting out fires without long-term solutions
  • Questionable advice
  • Data privacy concerns

The Tech-Healthy Family Hub

  • Tight-knit community
  • Like-minded parents
  • Personalized help
  • Organized, searchable content
  • Members share and support
  • Family-tested ideas
  • Safe, monitored space
  • Training + education from trusted sources
  • Off social media and away from distractions
  • Conversations focused on the whole child
  • Guided journey toward a tech-healthy family
You are so gifted at teaching classes online!! Thank you for all you do to bring your great resources to life, while peppering in your family anecdotes, which are very helpful and empowering.

I feel like you give exactly the right amount of details needed to do this work, and you do an excellent job addressing people’s questions and inviting others to weigh in. Bravo and thank you!


4 Weeks to Creating a Tech-Healthy Family course parent

I want to express my gratitude for how you’ve already changed our home ❤️. I haven’t been able to go as fast in the course as I was hoping to, but the perspective shifts I’ve already had have been so enlightening and helpful.

I love how you get to the root of the problem instead of trying to spot treat at the surface. I’ve actually been feeling hope for the future when it just felt like a looming dark cloud. THANK YOU for all your hard work!!


4 Weeks to Creating a Tech-Healthy Family course parent

I would love to know when you’re doing the next class because I would definitely recommend it to all my friends! It was so very helpful to have a step by step process to address tech in a holistic, proactive way, rather than constantly playing tech whack-a-mole.

The emphasis on tackling tech WITH your teen, and creating conversations instead of just making rules for them really lowers the angst in the house.

Thank you so much, this is the most helpful thing I’ve ever done in my quest to use tech healthfully and safely in my family!


4 Weeks to Untangling Tech and Mentoring Our Teens course parent




Starting with relationships is key and I love Better Screen Time’s emphasis on this. We felt that the course is really comprehensive, unlike a cellphone contract or a book without a live person to help us.

My husband especially loved the session with Tyler. We now feel equipped to tackle technology struggles in our home!


4 Weeks to Untangling Tech & Mentoring Your Teen course parent

Andrea! Just had to tell you I finished the Tech-Healthy Course. First of all: STANDING OVATION. I can’t tell you how grateful I felt every time I turned the course on to listen – I literally felt like I was adding one more layer to my defense and another arrow to my quiver.

We have made changes in our family, but since the kids are still young, it’s more like we are just not letting things even begin.

Most of all, I’ve seen the biggest changes in myself – making better choices with the time I’m on my phone. I feel like I’ve gone back to school with the amount of reading I’ve been doing!

I’m using it daily and it’s changing our family.”


Creating a Tech-Healthy Family course parent


Many years ago, in the chaos of a cross-country move, we handed over an abandoned smartphone to our 12-year-old.

She is the classic oldest child—super responsible—the kind of kid that cleans her room without being asked.

The phone seemed like a good idea. She could stay connected with old friends and we could reach each other in a place where we didn’t know anyone.

Months passed…

One day our daughter came home from school and while spooning cereal into her mouth with one hand, she was scrolling with the other hand—and not talking to me.

It used to be a “How was your day?” moment, but suddenly the phone was more important than our daily chat. I wondered where my kid went.

A few months later I was leaning over the kitchen counter looking at my own phone when I came across a video of our daughter lip-syncing an inappropriate song she found online.

I knew she didn’t really grasp the meaning of the lyrics, but I realized at that moment we had failed her. We had given her too much too soon.

My husband and I agreed we needed a major tech reset in our home.

We replaced the smartphone with a brick phone that had no internet access (all we had then). There were many tears. As parents, it was one of the most challenging, yet smartest things we’ve done to safeguard our family from the harms of the online world.

I don’t wish this experience on any other family. And unfortunately, many families have experienced much worse.

I don’t say this to scare you, but to help you understand that when you hand a device to a child you are handing them the world.

We can’t completely protect our children from all the harms out there, but we can prepare them (and ourselves!).

With my background in secondary education, I set out to create a new approach to kids and tech—a Team Approach to Technology™—centered on relationships, delaying, and mentoring, not just monitoring.

The result was our courses, Creating a Tech-Healthy Family and Untangling Teens & Tech.

I’ve loved hearing how the principles in our courses have changed the tech trajectory for so many families at a critical point in their lives.

And guess what? It changed our family’s path, too.

That 12-year-old girl is now in college.

Her college admissions essay flashed back to the painful goodbye to that smartphone, life with a brick phone (temporarily!), her mom’s Tech Talks, and eventually realizing that because of those screen time limits, her ears were covered when the world was telling her who to be.


The last line in her essay says it all..

“I found myself on my own. I know who I am.”

And that my friend, is my hope not only for my own kids, but for yours, too.

To know who they are before social media, peers, the news, strangers on the internet, or influencers tell them who they should be. Those voices are loud.

Our kids need us now more than ever.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in the next step on this slow-tech journey…

This is the part where we link arms and lead ourselves, our families, our schools, and our communities to…